






Mala in srednje velika podjetja (MSP) so hrbtenica evropskega gospodarstva, saj prispevajo k ustvarjanju delovnih mest, inovacijam in regionalnemu razvoju. Strategije pametne specializacije (S5) ponujajo MSP-jem priložnost, da izkoristijo svoje edinstvene konkurenčne prednosti in se osredotočijo na področja, kjer lahko dosežejo globalno konkurenčnost. S5 se osredotoča na razvoj in krepitev področij z največjim potencialom za rast, pri čemer spodbuja sodelovanje med podjetji, raziskovalnimi inštituti, univerzami in vladnimi institucijami.

Strateški cilj S5 je zeleni prehod, ki ga razumemo kot »inovativna, nizkoogljična, digitalna in na znanju temelječa preobrazba gospodarstva in družbe«.

Prednostna področja S5 so:


– pametna mesta in skupnosti,

– horizontalna mreža informacijsko

– komunikacijskih tehnologij,

– pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo,

– mreže za prehod v krožno gospodarstvo (Krožno gospodarstvo),

– trajnostna pridelava hrane,

– trajnostni turizem,

– tovarne prihodnosti,

– zdravje

– medicina,

– mobilnost,

– materiali kot končni produkti.









Vir: https://www.gov.si/zbirke/projekti-in-programi/izvajanje-slovenske-strategije-pametne-specializacije/

Koraki za MSP-je pri razvoju strategije pametne specializacije

Prvi korak pri razvoju S5 strategije je temeljita analiza trenutnega stanja podjetja, vključno z identifikacijo virov in zmogljivosti, pregled tržnih priložnosti in oceno inovacijskega potenciala. Sledi vključevanje zainteresiranih strani

Pametna specializacija zahteva sodelovanje različnih deležnikov. Pomembno je, da podjetja vključijo zaposlene za spodbujanje inovacij in novih idej znotraj podjetja ter akademske in raziskovalne ustanove za iskanje partnerstev za raziskovalne in razvojne projekte. Prav tako naj se podjetja povežejo z industrijskimi združenji in grozdi za skupne projekte in izmenjavo znanja, ter pridobivajo podporo in financiranje lokalnih in regionalnih oblasti za razvojne projekte.

Na podlagi analize in posvetovanj je pomembno, da podjetje določi ključna področja z največjim potencialom za rast in inovacije, kot so tehnološke inovacije za razvoj novih tehnologij ali izboljšanje obstoječih, produktne inovacije za uvajanje novih izdelkov ali storitev, ter procesne inovacije za optimizacijo proizvodnih in poslovnih procesov za povečanje učinkovitosti.

Ključno je, da podjetje razvije konkretne ukrepe in projekte za podporo izbranih prednostnih področij, vključno z investicijami v raziskave in razvoj, izboljšanjem kompetenc zaposlenih s pomočjo usposabljanj in izobraževalnih programov, ter aktivnim sodelovanjem v industrijskih grozdih in mrežah za spodbujanje sodelovanja in izmenjave znanja.

Ob zaključku razvoja strategije pametne specializacije je bistveno za podjetje, da redno spremlja napredek in prilagaja strategijo glede na dosežene rezultate z uvedbo kazalnikov uspešnosti za spremljanje napredka in učinkov strategije, ter da je pripravljeno prilagoditi strategijo glede na spreminjajoče se tržne razmere in nove priložnosti.

Primer dobre prakse

Primer dobre prakse je podjetje Pipistrel. Področje specializacije so predvsem letalska industrija (zlasti električna letala). Pipistrel je slovensko MSP, ki se ukvarja z razvojem in proizvodnjo ultralahkih letal, vključno z električnimi letali. Podjetje je izkoristilo strategijo pametne specializacije za osredotočanje na področje električnih letal, kar predstavlja pomembno priložnost za trajnostni razvoj v letalski industriji.

Izvajanje strategije S5:

  1. Identifikacija prednosti: Pipistrel je prepoznal svojo konkurenčno prednost v inovativnih letalskih tehnologijah in se osredotočil na razvoj električnih letal.
  2. Sodelovanje z akademskimi institucijami: podjetje je vzpostavilo partnerstva z univerzami in raziskovalnimi inštituti za skupne projekte na področju aerodinamike in električnih pogonov.
  3. Investicije v razvoj: povečane naložbe v raziskave in razvoj so omogočile razvoj naprednih električnih letal, ki so prijaznejša do okolja in imajo nižje obratovalne stroške.
  4. Iskanje financiranja: Pipistrel je uspešno pridobilo sredstva iz evropskih programov za raziskave in inovacije, kar je omogočilo pospešitev razvoja novih produktov.

Rezultati: podjetje je razvilo prvo serijsko električno letalo na svetu in si pridobilo priznanje na globalnem trgu. Njihova inovativna letala so prispevala k povečanju tržne konkurenčnosti in trajnostni rasti.

Finančne spodbude

Pametne specializacijske strategije (S5) v Sloveniji vključujejo različne finančne spodbude, ki so namenjene podpori malih in srednje velikih podjetij (MSP) pri njihovih inovacijskih in razvojnih projektih. Te spodbude so zasnovane za pospeševanje raziskav, razvoja in inovacij, ter za izboljšanje konkurenčnosti in trajnostnega razvoja MSP-jev. Spodaj so navedeni ključni tipi finančnih spodbud na področju S5 v Sloveniji:

  • Subvencije in nepovratna sredstva

Podpora raziskovalno-razvojnim projektom, ki vključujejo tehnološke, produktne in procesne inovacije. Subvencije pokrivajo stroške, povezane z raziskavami, razvojem, prototipiranjem, testiranjem in uvajanjem novih tehnologij in produktov.

  • Davčne olajšave

Spodbujanje vlaganj v raziskave in razvoj (R&D). MSP-ji, ki investirajo v R&D aktivnosti, lahko izkoristijo davčne olajšave, ki zmanjšujejo njihov davčni odtegljaj. To vključuje olajšave za stroške, povezane z raziskovalno-razvojnim delom, nakupom raziskovalne opreme in zaposlovanjem raziskovalnega osebja.

  • Posojila in mikrokrediti

Omogočanje dostopa do financiranja za inovacijske projekte. Ta posojila pogosto ponujajo nižje obrestne mere in daljše odplačilne dobe, kar olajša izvajanje projektov.

  • Tvegan kapital in skladi tveganega kapitala

Podpora visokotehnološkim in inovativnim start-up podjetjem. Skladi tveganega kapitala vlagajo v inovativne start-up podjetja, ki imajo visoko rastni potencial. Tvegan kapital ponuja ne le financiranje, ampak tudi strokovno podporo in mrežo kontaktov za nadaljnji razvoj podjetja.

  • Evropski strukturni in investicijski skladi (ESIF)

Povečanje inovacijskih zmogljivosti in konkurenčnosti MSP-jev v EU. Slovenija koristi sredstva iz evropskih strukturnih in investicijskih skladov za podporo projektom, ki so skladni s cilji pametne specializacije. MSP-ji lahko prijavijo projekte za sofinanciranje iz teh skladov, kar vključuje raziskovalno-razvojne projekte, projekte digitalizacije in trajnostne projekte.

  • Program Horizon Europe

Spodbujanje raziskav in inovacij na evropski ravni. MSP-ji lahko prijavijo projekte v okviru različnih razpisov, ki se osredotočajo na prednostna področja, kot so digitalizacija, trajnostni razvoj in tehnološke inovacije.

  • Finančne spodbude lokalnih in regionalnih oblasti

Podpora lokalnemu razvoju in inovacijam. To vključuje subvencije, posojila in druge oblike podpore za razvojne projekte. V Pomurskem tehnološkem parku

Povezave do finančnih spodbud:








  1. avgust, 2024

Pripravila: Tjaša Ružič, podjetniški mentor

Projekt »JR Podporno okolje 2023 – 2025«

SPOT Pomurje – partner Pomurski tehnološki park


“Two Decades of Excellence and Innovation: Pomurje Technology Park Promotes Growth and Development in Pomurje.”

Pomurje Technology Park (PTP) proudly celebrates two decades of promoting the development and growth of a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem in Pomurje. Over the past two decades, our dedicated team of experts has consistently provided professional support to businesses, leading to numerous successful projects. At this significant milestone, we reflect on our achievements and unique characteristics that set us apart from other entities in the innovative environment in Slovenia.

Our mission is to encourage the transfer of knowledge, experience, and technology into the economy, directly contributing to the creation of new jobs and added value.

This effort enhances the competitiveness of innovative entrepreneurship in the Pomurje region and fosters the establishment of new, growth-oriented, knowledge-based companies. In the last two decades, we have supported over 200 companies in launching their businesses, rapid development, and the commercialization of innovative products and services, resulting in the creation of more than 1500 new jobs. A compelling testament to our achievements is the implementation of 53 large projects from 14 different EU programs, including Horizon 2020, COSME, and the Norway Grants, with a total value of 59.15 million EUR, further strengthening our position in the Pomurje region. Some of the significant achievements for regional development include:

  1. Involving 290 students in project initiatives, leading to the development of 82 innovative solutions.
  2. Providing essential support and business services to over 50 foreign startups.
  3. Assisting 159 established companies with essential business services, covering areas such as analysis, business model development, access to financial resources, business process optimization, and more.
  4. Collaborating with companies to test 61 technological solutions that promote further company development.
  5. Optimizing business processes in 41 companies, increasing their operational efficiency.
  6. Offering expert support in the patent application process for four patents.
  7. Establishing a strong partner network across Europe, reaffirming our commitment to regional growth, innovation promotion, knowledge and technology transfer, support for technological entrepreneurship, and progress toward sustainability in line with the European Commission’s Digital and Green Agenda.

We marked our 20th anniversary with a celebratory event where we hosted numerous experts and political decision-makers to discuss critical issues related to regional development in Pomurje and Eastern Slovenia.

Among others, the following individuals contributed their insights:

  • dr. Aleksander Jevšek, Minister for Cohesion and Regional Development
  • dr. Miroslav Kranjc, State Secretary at the Ministry of Digital Transformation
  • dr. Martina Rauter, Advisor in the Cabinet of the Minister for Economy, Tourism and Sport
  • mag. Marko Močnik, Managing Director of the Pomurje Technology Park

The discussion focused on the following key areas:

  1. Funding Strategy: Participants explored ways to improve the financing of regional projects, emphasising balancing support for extensive strategic initiatives and maintaining the capacity for local project implementation.
  2. Intervention Policy and Subsidies: The conversation examined the role of intervention policies in aiding less developed areas and subsidies as catalysts for innovation and development.
  3. Digital Transformation: Experts emphasized the necessity of digitizing business processes to enhance the competitiveness of local companies and the necessary support mechanisms for a smooth transition.
  4. Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Insights were shared regarding the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship support, and questions were raised about whether it is easier or more challenging to establish and develop businesses today.
  5. Regional Disparities: Differences in the allocation of EU funds between Eastern and Western Cohesion Regions were addressed, along with their potential impact on company relocations and strategies for promoting growth in Eastern Slovenia.
  6. Research and Development: Experts discussed measures to increase investments in research and development, promote innovation, and enhance competitiveness in Pomurje.
  7. Impact of Artificial Intelligence: The impact of artificial intelligence on various professions was assessed, highlighting areas with the greatest potential for change.
  8. Company Relocations Abroad: Participants explored solutions to prevent the migration of Slovenian start-up companies abroad and strengthen the retention and attraction of innovative businesses.
  9. Impact of Natural Disasters: Discussions were held regarding the effects of natural disasters, such as floods, on regional financing and potential means of funding key projects in Pomurje region.
  10. 20 Years of Success for the Pomurje Technology Park: Outstanding achievements of the Pomurje Technology Park in its two decades of operation were highlighted.

The roundtable provided a platform for in-depth discussions on key issues related to regional development. Participants reaffirmed their commitment to shaping a rich and innovative future for Pomurje and Eastern Slovenia.

“At this significant milestone, we express our gratitude to our partners, stakeholders, innovators, and companies who, together with us, have shaped the success story. We eagerly anticipate the future, with a dedicated focus on promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the Pomurje region.” (Marko Močnik, Director of the Pomurje Technology Park).

About Pomurje Technology Park

Established in 2003, the Pomurje Technology Park has evolved into a dynamic ecosystem with over 200 member companies deeply rooted in the local and regional business environment. Our diverse network encompasses various industries, creating a rich array of ideas and innovations. With over 300 established partnerships across Europe and globally, PTP brings an international perspective to projects and initiatives enriched with insights from niche experts. We provide essential support for startups and fast-growing businesses, offering infrastructure, mentorship, and training for innovation development in the region. Our wide range of services includes co-working spaces, fully equipped offices, manufacturing units/laboratories, and expert business consultancy and mentoring. We deliver our expert services in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system.

We take pride in not merely relying on public funding but charting our own financial course. With a robust business model, we promote regional growth by combining our own resources with EU projects and market-based initiatives to cover operational costs, while ensuring uninterrupted support for businesses. We present ourselves as a symbol of financial self-sufficiency.

Our developmental path has had several phases, clearly marking the evolution of the Pomurski Technology Park’s role in promoting innovation and progress in the region and beyond. It began with the establishment of the Network Business Incubator to foster entrepreneurship in Pomurje, focusing primarily on providing support for new business startups. In the next step, our activities expanded to include existing companies throughout Eastern Slovenia. With the implementation of Slovenia’s Smart Specialization Strategy, PTP shifted its focus to Industry 4.0, signifying greater specialization in services for the manufacturing sector, with a focus on the development and implementation of green and digital technological solutions and the promotion of international collaboration between domestic and foreign companies.

Throughout our operations, we have evolved into a stable and internationally recognized hub for the development of digital and green innovations that contribute to the sustainable development of society. As the coordinator of the certified Digital Innovation Hub for Smart Manufacturing and a business partner in 4PDIH in Slovenia, we are at the forefront of European digital innovation initiatives. The other cornerstone of our mission is sustainability. We concentrate on green technologies, circular economy models, and renewable energy sources in the manufacturing sector. Our programs and initiatives encourage environmentally friendly practices, circular economy principles, and sustainable solutions in the supply chain.

As we embark on the next phase of our development and growth, we are committed to strengthening our position within the international ecosystem, developing specialized digital tools and mentoring programs, with the aim of further enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region and beyond.

EINLADUNG ZUR ABGABE VON ANGEBOTEN – PROJEKT Common Access 2: Übertragung des nachhaltigen Modells für die KMU-Internationalisierung

Instrumente und Förderungen zur Internationalisierung von KMU – 10. November 2022

Kostenlose Veranstaltung über die Tools und Förderungen für die Internationalisierung von Unternehmen, mit Schwerpunkt auf Internationalisierung auf dem polnischen Markt.

We are looking for the best Climate Tech solutions!

Have your business featured in one of the largest databases for Climate Tech! Together with 5 international partners from all over Europe, we are looking for the best Climate Tech solutions.

The need for high-impact climate tech innovations is more pressing than ever. We want to shine a light on promising Climate Tech startups that are making a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation or adaptation through inspiring innovation and the application of new technologies.

Our focus is on 4 industries: agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing and construction

Link to sign up: https://pioneers.io/pioneers-climate/climatetech-landscape/ 

The activity is carried out within the Scaleup4Europe project.


About Scaleup4Europe

The “Scaleup4Europe” project’s objective is the establishment of four cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs”. The Scaleup Labs are based on the ”living lab” concept and support qualifying scaleups in achieving a “Proof of Scalability”. The “Proof of Scalability” is achieved when the scaleups comply with all requirements of general technological, market, organizational and investor readiness and their innovation is adapted to a specific customer need. The general goal is to establish sustainable support structures that connect four partnering startup ecosystems and their deep tech member communities in an innovative way that creates a lasting and larger regional scaleup support system. To increase the efficiency of the scaling support, the project’s Scaleup Labs focus on four specific industry verticals that benefit significantly from deep tech innovations:
  • Smart Region
  • Health Sciences
  • Agile Manufacturing
  • AgTech

Instrumente und Förderungen zur Internationalisierung von KMU – 8. Juni 2021 um 14.00

Kostenlos Online Event über die Tools und Förderungen für die Internationalisierung von Unternehmen, mit Schwerpunkt auf Internationalisierung an die Märkte von Benelux und Skandinavien vorstellen.


  1. The contracting authority

Pomurski tehnološki park d.o.o., Plese 9a, 9000 Murska Sobota, on the basis of the conditions defined below, invites interested  to submit An offer for the provision of services on the attached form, namely: 

  1. The subject of the invitation

Pomurski tehnološki park d.o.o. is a coordinator of T1 Workgroup within the framework of CEUP 2030 project, therefore an external expert is sought within the invitation to prepare a proposal for guidelines that will enable the implementation of the following two key outputs within T1 work package:

  • Output O.T1.1: CEUP 2030 Policy Learning Lab – Cross-linked capacity enhancement for CAMI4.0 stakeholders
  • Output O.T1.2: CEUP 2030 Strategy Upgrade & Boost – Fostering straight implementation among CE/EU project scheme

The successful tenderer will prepare the following documentation in the context of achievement D.T1.4 Support service for coaching guidance on impact controlling T1:

  • Developing and coordinating a guidance document for the WP T1 covering the 4 main elements of harvesting, policy learning lab, strategy upgrade & boost, impact controlling.
  • Participating in coaching sessions with the main activity and deliverables responsible partners to align the 4 main elements of WP T1 among all involved partners.

Prior to implementation, the activities are coordinated with the needs of the client according to the application form! The documentation must be in English.

DEADLINE for completion: 20th May 2020

  1. Bidding starting points

The offer should show the following information::

  • tenderer contacts
  • subject of the tender
  • Price (which should include all possible costs, discounts and rebates)
  • validity of the offer

Bid value may not exceed EUR 6,000.00 (net).

  1. Time and financial framework:

The Contractor undertakes to carry out the activities and to forward the documentation to the Contracting Authority no later than 20.05.2020.

Payment for the aforementioned services will be made on the basis of an invoice related to the activity performed, which is the subject of the contract.

  1. Payment Terms:

The Client undertakes to pay for the service provided in accordance with the law, usually at the end of the eligible reporting period, provided that all the activities envisaged are completed. The selected bidder is issued a purchase order.

  1. Selection criteria:

The service provider will be selected according to the most economically advantageous tender. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to ask for additional clarifications or supporting documents based on the tenders received or not to select any contractor.

  1. Deadline for submission and manner of submission of tender:

Tenders on the prescribed (attached) form shall be submitted in writing by post, in person or electronically (borut@p-tech.si) to the address of the contracting authority. All bids received up to and including 16.04.2020 are considered timely.

Offer – form

Contact person for further information: Borut Zrim, tel. 02 530 82 20, borut@p-tech.si

Murska Sobota, 06.04.2020

We kindly invite you to Hands-on experience workshop FOOD, PACKAGING, SENSORY ANALYSIS AND GOOD DESIGN


Attendance on the workshop is free fo charge. The number of participants is limited, so speed up with the registration.

Register online for the event HERE.


Workshop will take place in hotel Livada Prestige; Kranjčeva ulica 12, 9226 Moravske Toplice.


Short explanation of Sensory Analysis:


Pomurje Technology Park is being ISO 9001:2015 certified!

Pomurje Technology Park constantly improves the efficiency and quality of its business processes.

We are pleased to announce that at the end of June 2018, we as one of the first development organizations in the wider region received a certificate of Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 from SIQ for the support services development of entrepreneurship and innovation, preparation, management and implementation of international and national projects and infrastructure management.

Our constant efforts to raise the quality of our services and customer satisfaction will of course continue also in the future.

International conference Transformation of agrifood sector through novel forms of local delivery, digitalization and partnerships – 27. 8. 2018

Pomurje Technology Park is organizing on 27th of August 2018 in the framework of 56th International Agricultural-Food Fair AGRA an international conference with interesting topics under the title Transformation of agrifood sector through novel forms of local delivery, digitalization and partnerships.

Together with eminent speakers from AGRIFOOD sector from South-East Europe region we will highlight challenges, solutions and opportunities for the future of agrifood sector, with an emphasis on local delivery of quality food and new forms of cooperation, which shall speed up the process of digital and overall transformation of the sector.

Programme of the conference available HERE.   

Information about the event (venue, tickets, travel, accomodation)

In order to attend the conference, you need to register online at https://bit.ly/2vpkeJ6.

After the registration you will receive a registration code for the e-business coupon for the conference and the fair. The number of places is limited, so hurry up with the registration!

AGRA fair plan (The Conference will be held in Conference Hall 5.)

The conference focuses on different stakeholders in agrifood sector, who are taking part in local food production and supply, as well as those looking for local food suppliers (public sector, tourism sector). On the other hand, the whole agrifood sector is heading towards new forms of cooperation in order to be able to respond to increasing demand for increasing production, quality and efficiency. Therefore, the conference is highly interesting for policy level, concrete solution providers, R&D organizations and business support organizations on one hand and farmers, farmer organizations and food processing industry on the other.

You are kindly invited to participate at the conference and to share this information further.






Contact for further information:

Tomaž Lapoša

Pomurje Technology Park


+386 2 530 82 20