
Regional Co-Creation Workshop for Improving the CI-Hub User Acceptance Model

The CI-Hub project aims to develop a user acceptance model for improving the acceptance of digital and green technologies by users – small and medium-sized enterprises.

The user acceptance model will comprehensively show how companies accept new technologies, how we can increase their acceptance by focusing on the human element, and which methods and measures to use to improve companies’ acceptance of the circular transition. The integrated report will serve as a guide for companies and organizations that want to successfully integrate new technologies and sustainable practices into their operations.

As a contribution to achieve this goal, Pomurje Technology Park is organizing the Regional Co-creation Workshop with the aim of improving the user acceptance model. The workshop will take up a quadruple helix approach for engaging and working with stakeholders where the user acceptance of digital and green technologies analysis results for Slovenia will be presented. In addition, the workshop will reveal the methods and measures developed based on defined barriers and challenges and explore the sustainability of the developed methods and measures for SMEs in Slovenia.

The workshop will take place on September 6th, 2024, in Sava Hotel, GH Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia.

Find the agenda HERE.

Those interested in participating, please contact the organizer at info@p-tech.si.

Let’s grow green together!


We are excited to announce a comprehensive event that will bring together companies, research institutions, and educational organizations to discuss the circular economy, as well as green and digital practices. As part of this larger event, Greene 4.0 will be hosting the Transnational Conference on the second day, September 5th, 2024.

The Greene 4.0 project has partnered with the University of Maribor to deliver an engaging event that meets the needs of companies by offering a diverse programme with a range of speakers and topics relevant to their green and digital transition.

The event will be held at Grand Hotel Bernardin in Portorož and is expected to attract approximately 150 participants from businesses, research institutions, and educational organizations. Several renowned speakers will address topics related to science and development, focusing on the current challenges of technological advancement and society’s responsibility in transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, and from a linear to a circular economy. Greene 4.0 will showcase one of its key results – the User Acceptance Model for facilitating a smooth green transition for small and medium-sized companies – and will promote the B2GreenHub to all green-oriented stakeholders in Slovenia.

All Greene 4.0 project partners will be attending the Transnational Conference, and we are pleased to invite interested stakeholders to join us. Greene 4.0 has reserved seats for all stakeholders who wish to participate in the Transnational Conference. In case of interest, please contact us at info@p-tech.si and register by August 30th, 2024.

The event will provide a unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders, researchers, and peers, fostering collaboration and innovation. By exploring current trends, sharing ideas, and learning best practices, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into emerging technologies, effective business models, and successful projects that are crucial for staying competitive.

Please find the Greene 4.0 Transnational Conference agenda HERE.

For general information about the umbrella3-day event TBMCE 2024 , please visit the TBMCE website. For those interested in joining the Greene 4.0 Transnational Conference, please ensure to register via Pomurje Technology Park for participation at info@p-tech.si. Registration deadline: August 30th, 2024.







Mala in srednje velika podjetja (MSP) so hrbtenica evropskega gospodarstva, saj prispevajo k ustvarjanju delovnih mest, inovacijam in regionalnemu razvoju. Strategije pametne specializacije (S5) ponujajo MSP-jem priložnost, da izkoristijo svoje edinstvene konkurenčne prednosti in se osredotočijo na področja, kjer lahko dosežejo globalno konkurenčnost. S5 se osredotoča na razvoj in krepitev področij z največjim potencialom za rast, pri čemer spodbuja sodelovanje med podjetji, raziskovalnimi inštituti, univerzami in vladnimi institucijami.

Strateški cilj S5 je zeleni prehod, ki ga razumemo kot »inovativna, nizkoogljična, digitalna in na znanju temelječa preobrazba gospodarstva in družbe«.

Prednostna področja S5 so:


– pametna mesta in skupnosti,

– horizontalna mreža informacijsko

– komunikacijskih tehnologij,

– pametne stavbe in dom z lesno verigo,

– mreže za prehod v krožno gospodarstvo (Krožno gospodarstvo),

– trajnostna pridelava hrane,

– trajnostni turizem,

– tovarne prihodnosti,

– zdravje

– medicina,

– mobilnost,

– materiali kot končni produkti.









Vir: https://www.gov.si/zbirke/projekti-in-programi/izvajanje-slovenske-strategije-pametne-specializacije/

Koraki za MSP-je pri razvoju strategije pametne specializacije

Prvi korak pri razvoju S5 strategije je temeljita analiza trenutnega stanja podjetja, vključno z identifikacijo virov in zmogljivosti, pregled tržnih priložnosti in oceno inovacijskega potenciala. Sledi vključevanje zainteresiranih strani

Pametna specializacija zahteva sodelovanje različnih deležnikov. Pomembno je, da podjetja vključijo zaposlene za spodbujanje inovacij in novih idej znotraj podjetja ter akademske in raziskovalne ustanove za iskanje partnerstev za raziskovalne in razvojne projekte. Prav tako naj se podjetja povežejo z industrijskimi združenji in grozdi za skupne projekte in izmenjavo znanja, ter pridobivajo podporo in financiranje lokalnih in regionalnih oblasti za razvojne projekte.

Na podlagi analize in posvetovanj je pomembno, da podjetje določi ključna področja z največjim potencialom za rast in inovacije, kot so tehnološke inovacije za razvoj novih tehnologij ali izboljšanje obstoječih, produktne inovacije za uvajanje novih izdelkov ali storitev, ter procesne inovacije za optimizacijo proizvodnih in poslovnih procesov za povečanje učinkovitosti.

Ključno je, da podjetje razvije konkretne ukrepe in projekte za podporo izbranih prednostnih področij, vključno z investicijami v raziskave in razvoj, izboljšanjem kompetenc zaposlenih s pomočjo usposabljanj in izobraževalnih programov, ter aktivnim sodelovanjem v industrijskih grozdih in mrežah za spodbujanje sodelovanja in izmenjave znanja.

Ob zaključku razvoja strategije pametne specializacije je bistveno za podjetje, da redno spremlja napredek in prilagaja strategijo glede na dosežene rezultate z uvedbo kazalnikov uspešnosti za spremljanje napredka in učinkov strategije, ter da je pripravljeno prilagoditi strategijo glede na spreminjajoče se tržne razmere in nove priložnosti.

Primer dobre prakse

Primer dobre prakse je podjetje Pipistrel. Področje specializacije so predvsem letalska industrija (zlasti električna letala). Pipistrel je slovensko MSP, ki se ukvarja z razvojem in proizvodnjo ultralahkih letal, vključno z električnimi letali. Podjetje je izkoristilo strategijo pametne specializacije za osredotočanje na področje električnih letal, kar predstavlja pomembno priložnost za trajnostni razvoj v letalski industriji.

Izvajanje strategije S5:

  1. Identifikacija prednosti: Pipistrel je prepoznal svojo konkurenčno prednost v inovativnih letalskih tehnologijah in se osredotočil na razvoj električnih letal.
  2. Sodelovanje z akademskimi institucijami: podjetje je vzpostavilo partnerstva z univerzami in raziskovalnimi inštituti za skupne projekte na področju aerodinamike in električnih pogonov.
  3. Investicije v razvoj: povečane naložbe v raziskave in razvoj so omogočile razvoj naprednih električnih letal, ki so prijaznejša do okolja in imajo nižje obratovalne stroške.
  4. Iskanje financiranja: Pipistrel je uspešno pridobilo sredstva iz evropskih programov za raziskave in inovacije, kar je omogočilo pospešitev razvoja novih produktov.

Rezultati: podjetje je razvilo prvo serijsko električno letalo na svetu in si pridobilo priznanje na globalnem trgu. Njihova inovativna letala so prispevala k povečanju tržne konkurenčnosti in trajnostni rasti.

Finančne spodbude

Pametne specializacijske strategije (S5) v Sloveniji vključujejo različne finančne spodbude, ki so namenjene podpori malih in srednje velikih podjetij (MSP) pri njihovih inovacijskih in razvojnih projektih. Te spodbude so zasnovane za pospeševanje raziskav, razvoja in inovacij, ter za izboljšanje konkurenčnosti in trajnostnega razvoja MSP-jev. Spodaj so navedeni ključni tipi finančnih spodbud na področju S5 v Sloveniji:

  • Subvencije in nepovratna sredstva

Podpora raziskovalno-razvojnim projektom, ki vključujejo tehnološke, produktne in procesne inovacije. Subvencije pokrivajo stroške, povezane z raziskavami, razvojem, prototipiranjem, testiranjem in uvajanjem novih tehnologij in produktov.

  • Davčne olajšave

Spodbujanje vlaganj v raziskave in razvoj (R&D). MSP-ji, ki investirajo v R&D aktivnosti, lahko izkoristijo davčne olajšave, ki zmanjšujejo njihov davčni odtegljaj. To vključuje olajšave za stroške, povezane z raziskovalno-razvojnim delom, nakupom raziskovalne opreme in zaposlovanjem raziskovalnega osebja.

  • Posojila in mikrokrediti

Omogočanje dostopa do financiranja za inovacijske projekte. Ta posojila pogosto ponujajo nižje obrestne mere in daljše odplačilne dobe, kar olajša izvajanje projektov.

  • Tvegan kapital in skladi tveganega kapitala

Podpora visokotehnološkim in inovativnim start-up podjetjem. Skladi tveganega kapitala vlagajo v inovativne start-up podjetja, ki imajo visoko rastni potencial. Tvegan kapital ponuja ne le financiranje, ampak tudi strokovno podporo in mrežo kontaktov za nadaljnji razvoj podjetja.

  • Evropski strukturni in investicijski skladi (ESIF)

Povečanje inovacijskih zmogljivosti in konkurenčnosti MSP-jev v EU. Slovenija koristi sredstva iz evropskih strukturnih in investicijskih skladov za podporo projektom, ki so skladni s cilji pametne specializacije. MSP-ji lahko prijavijo projekte za sofinanciranje iz teh skladov, kar vključuje raziskovalno-razvojne projekte, projekte digitalizacije in trajnostne projekte.

  • Program Horizon Europe

Spodbujanje raziskav in inovacij na evropski ravni. MSP-ji lahko prijavijo projekte v okviru različnih razpisov, ki se osredotočajo na prednostna področja, kot so digitalizacija, trajnostni razvoj in tehnološke inovacije.

  • Finančne spodbude lokalnih in regionalnih oblasti

Podpora lokalnemu razvoju in inovacijam. To vključuje subvencije, posojila in druge oblike podpore za razvojne projekte. V Pomurskem tehnološkem parku

Povezave do finančnih spodbud:








  1. avgust, 2024

Pripravila: Tjaša Ružič, podjetniški mentor

Projekt »JR Podporno okolje 2023 – 2025«

SPOT Pomurje – partner Pomurski tehnološki park


Embrace the Green Revolution: Join Our B2GreenHub Ecosystem Today!

Feeling the weight of impending sustainability regulations? You’re not alone. With numerous companies across Europe and beyond striving to meet the stringent requirements of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), it’s understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed.

Our B2GreenHub ecosystem is here to support you! Picture us as your trusted ally, guiding you through the complexities of green regulations and embracing a holistic approach to your company’s green transition. Join us today, and together, let’s navigate this journey, transforming compliance challenges into opportunities for growth and leadership in sustainability.

Who are we?

We’re a powerhouse alliance of 106 leading EU institutions, supported by a diverse team of 150+ business experts and 200+ technical wizards pooling our talents across 7 groundbreaking EU projects valued at an impressive EUR 14.8 million. From esteemed universities to vibrant research centers and private advisory and project writing firms, our network offers diverse expertise to support your green initiatives. Think of us as your one-stop-shop for all things green.

With our ecosystem, you’ll tap into over 50 testing facilities and a wealth of 200+ technological solutions. Guiding you every step of the way are our dedicated key account managers, skilled in marketing, project proposal writing, market analysis, and B2B networking. And with our digital platform, B2GreenHub.eu, as your trusty companion, you’ll breeze through your green transition with access to real-world case studies and detailed cost-benefit analyses. When you join our ecosystem, you’re not just gaining access to resources; you’re getting personalized support tailored to your unique needs.

Who are we inviting to join us?

We are inviting aspiring manufacturing companies looking to step out of the box and onto the green transition journey (startups, SMEs, and mid-caps) working in the following 7 sectors: Electronics; Food and beverage; Pharmaceutical and chemical; Metal; Plastics and rubber; Machinery and equipment; Building materials and furniture.

What is in it for you?

Join us on a journey towards sustainability, where selected companies from this open call will have the opportunity to embark on the green path with us. By joining our community, you’ll enjoy a range of advantages, from increased production capacity, reduced business costs and risk, improved business predictability to improved product quality and accessibility to customers.

Picture this: you’ll be assigned a dedicated key account manager who will serve as your guide through every step of your green transition journey. Need an expert assessment of your performance? We’ve got you covered. Looking to craft a strategic roadmap? We’ve got experts for that too. From advisory support in LCA analysis to access to top-notch testing facilities and even proposal writing assistance, we’re here to provide the expertise you need to succeed. But we don’t stop there. We’ll work closely with you to develop a concrete action plan, outlining specific activities in collaboration with top EU experts from various fields. And as you progress, we’ll conduct impact assessments and provide ongoing guidance to ensure you’re on track towards sustainability.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Join our community by sharing your company information HERE.
  2. Assess your company’s readiness for digital and green initiatives and gain insights by comparing with peers in your sector.
  3. Receive personalized guidance and support from your chosen key account manager who will assist you in identifying, implementing, and scaling sustainable solutions via a tailored roadmap.
  4. Explore our services, including:
    1. support of top EU digital and green experts specializing in AI, blockchain, LCA analysis, carbon footprint reduction strategies, and more,
    2. access to state-of-the-art testing facilities and specialized equipment, access to the latest digital and green technology solutions,
    3. tap into funding opportunities and receive assistance in preparing project proposals,
    4. engage in experimentation and prototype development for green solutions to save costs and boost efficiency.
  5. Connect with a vast ecosystem of like-minded companies, experts, facilitators, and policymakers through our platform, B2GreenHub.eu, currently under development.
  6. Stay at the forefront of innovation and best practices, exchanging experiences and insights with industry leaders in navigating green challenges.
  7. Evaluate the impact of your strategies and refine them to stay ahead in sustainability practices.

Still not convinced? Here’s why we’re your trusted green ally:

Mix ‘n’ Match: With a team of 150 facilitators from diverse backgrounds and 200 experienced green tech experts, we’ve got all the ingredients for a recipe for success.

Hold Your Hand: We won’t just toss you into the deep green end; we’ll be there every step of the way.

Holistic Approach: We’re not just about saving the trees; we’re about saving your wallet too. Because let’s face it – circular is the new square.

Walking the Green Talk: Countless success stories and best practices speak volumes about our green track record of achieving results.

Ready to join us? Apply HERE and start your green journey.


Apply by sharing your company information HERE before the deadline on 30 June 2025.

The call remains open until this date, with three intermediate cut-off dates:

  • 1st cut-off: 31 July 2024,
  • 2nd cut-off: 30 September 2024,
  • 3rd cut-off: 30 June 2025, if places are still available.

Early applications are highly recommended, as they will be reviewed after each cut-off date for selection in pilot activities.

Read more here.


Greene 4.0: Join us in the green revolution today!

We are happy to present the Greene 4.0 video!

In today’s fast-paced world, manufacturing companies face unprecedented challenges amidst the digital revolution. Traditional value chains must modernize and adapt to new market conditions marked by various crises. As a result, the primary challenge for companies is to build resilience against unexpected changes.

Are you a small, medium-sized or large company? 

Would you like to: learn how to optimize your costs and increase profit, increase your competitiveness, boost your efficiency, gain access to the global market, or become an industry leader in environmental sustainability?

Find out how we can help you with this in the Greene 4.0 project in the video below. You are welcome to take a look!

The Greene 4.0 project supports manufacturing companies in piloting new value chains in quickly changing Europe. We focus on small and medium manufacturing companies facing new challenges – green and digital transformation. Encouraging an open innovation approach, we want to connect manufacturers with innovative companies.

Join the green revolution today!

GreenPulse 5.0: your digital and green future

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, we gathered at Hotel Piramida in Maribor, where we shared our passion and interest in innovative technologies and the potential of the digital and green transition of manufacturing companies.

The event brought together 24 partner institutions of the European projects RISE and CI-HUB, as well as companies, supporting institutions and other stakeholders who are actively promoting the role of green and digital technologies. The goal? Connecting, creating new opportunities for collaboration and strengthening existing ties.

Together, we explored the hidden dimensions of digital transformation of business, financing opportunities, examples of good practices, and support mechanisms for a sustainable transition. At the same time, in the spirit of cooperation, we discussed the existing ecosystem of the circular economy and digital and green transformation.

The event was organized within the framework of the European RISE and CI-HUB projects, whose leading partner is Pomurje Technology Park.

You can see highlights of the event in the gallery below.

RISE is dedicated to addressing the critical need to stimulate economic activity and generate employment opportunities in regions grappling with challenges in sustaining vital economic infrastructure. Our mission is clear: enhance entrepreneurial competences and skills in remote areas through food innovation potentials & answers to current global challenges.


CI-HUB aims to improve the innovation potential of less innovative regions and largely non-urban industrial regions in transition with low innovation performance and weak innovation infrastructure. The project aims to support the circular transition in two of the most challenging circular supply chains – the plastic and metal processing sector and the construction sector. This kind of acceleration program does not yet exist in the EU and will be the first focused program at the transnational level.


Do you want to be part of a sustainable transformation? Join us and let’s shape a green and digital future together.

GreenPulse 5.0 – Discovering Digital Solutions for a Green Future

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, as part of the Greene 4.0 project, we organized the workshop GreenPulse 5.0 – Discovering digital solutions for a green future, where providers of innovative solutions presented themselves to major Slovenian companies and revealed how their innovations contribute to the digital and green transition.

Innovative companies that presented their solutions:

Arctur with the AAT (Automated Assessment Tool) solution.

AAT is a tool for an automated assessment process suitable regardless of the complexity of the topic and applicable in every sector. It offers the possibility of customized recommendations for each evaluatee, enables modeling of decision-making based on several indicators and advanced, but very simple, analysis of the evaluation results.

SNEP with the GreenTwin solution – a digital twin for control and management from the machine to the entire company. The next step towards smart and sustainable management.

The 3D digital twin enables real-time management of facilities and assets, energy, monitoring of carbon footprint and OEE, ESG. It turns the building and the company into a smart one, reduces the human factor and acts as a co-pilot for management, energy, maintenance and production managers.

DSI Expert with the i4cube solution – Smart platform for production optimization.

The advanced platform for smart factories i4Cube includes the Smart MES production management system, which enables planning and scheduling of production and maintenance and detailed insight into the state of operations in the production process. With the Smart MES system, we digitize and connect all levels or manufacturing jobs. It enables easy tracking of an individual order from created work orders and planned operations to the execution of work on an individual machine – with all included events that occur and the necessary raw materials or energy sources. i4cube is a sustainable solution as it helps manufacturing companies reduce their carbon footprint (CIF certificate).

Dat Darko Toplak with the Info-digital solution.

Info-digital undertakes comprehensive project management, which helps companies find, select and implement appropriate digital tools and solutions, through which the process of digital transformation can be initiated, including the sustainable and ecological aspect of the transformation. We offer a series of special solutions from the field of Industry 4.0, especially suitable for small and medium-sized (manufacturing) companies.

PRIOT Digital Systems: PRIOT Connected Canvas

PRIOT Connected Canvas enables the integration and synchronization of various data sources in manufacturing companies in real time. This enables them to offer many functionalities, including:

• current inspection of production operation,
• predictive maintenance (TPM),
• calculation of KPI indicators for individual machines,
• automated quality control and report generation according to industry standards,
• warnings about possible malfunctions and irregularities.

ResEvo with the ASK.BI solution.

At ResEvo, we are specialists in the field of business analytics. Our customers have the ASK.BI platform, which processes, combines and visualizes all the desired data of your company in one place!

The right decisions are the foundation of success. We are here to help.

We enable companies to have complete control over operations and decision-making that lead to the set goals.

Preciz with the Scale Monitor™ solution.

Scale Monitor™ is an innovative online weighing application, also known as a virtual weight indicator, that digitizes the weighing process in an extremely easy way. It stores the weighing results directly in the cloud, eliminating human errors. It covers key data (time, date, work order, user, product, etc.), which you can then easily export to other programs or systems. Scale Monitor™ offers advanced weighing functions to even simple scales, such as counting, recipe weighing, etc., expanding the functionality of your weighing equipment.

In the interactive part of the workshop, we considered together the needs of the Slovenian economy for a green transition and thus took one of the first steps towards the realization of the GreenPulse 5.0 platform for green and digital innovations.

The participants also gained insight into upcoming measures and incentives for the digital and green transition of small, medium and large companies, and the event program was additionally enriched by a success story from the region on the effective use of open innovation for digital and green knowledge.

See some highlights from the event in the gallery below.

Do you also have a revolutionary digital or green solution that you would like to share with the world? Or are you looking for an innovation to improve the efficiency of your business and at the same time want to contribute to sustainable development?

Contact us at info@p-tech.si and share your vision! Together, we connect seekers and providers of solutions to create a green future.

EINLADUNG ZUR ABGABE VON ANGEBOTEN – PROJEKT Common Access 2: Übertragung des nachhaltigen Modells für die KMU-Internationalisierung

Mladi talenti Ekonomske šole Murska Sobota uspešno predstavili predloge rešitev konkretnih podjetniških izzivov socialnega podjetja Mensana, d.o.o. iz Murske Sobote!

V četrtek, 14.06.2018 se je v Murski Soboti v Medgeneracijskem središču Mensana, d.o.o. odvil že 7. predstavitveni dogodek v sklopu projekta »AKTIVACIJA MLADIH TALENTOV V POMURJU« na katerem sta dve ekipi dijakov Srednje ekonomske šole Murska Sobota predstavili predloge rešitev za dva konkretna izziva tega socialnega podjetja.

Z namenom zapolnitve vsebine centra so tako dijaki izbrali dva izziva in sicer: organizacija bolšjega sejma ter izvedba medgeneracijskih dogodkov, na katere bi pritegnili tako mlado kot starejšo populacijo.

Na predstavitvenem dogodku je bila zbrana tudi ekipa komentatorjev, katero so sestavljali g. Franc Cipot direktor podjetja CEROP, g. Roman Wolf, predstavnik PGZ, g. Goran Miloševič, direktor socialne kmetije Korenika in ga. Marjana Žalik iz društva Pomelaj. Zbrani so dijake usmerjali s predlogi in pobudami za nadaljnje sodelovanje.

Upamo, da smo s programom naredili še en korak v smeri preprečitve bega možganov iz regije in spodbudili podjetniški način razmišljanja med mladimi.