

Project name: Circular Innovation Hub

Project acronym: CI-Hub

Project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme, co-funded by the EU.

It corresponds to the 1st priority of the Danube Region Programme: A more competitive and smarter Danube Region.

To the specific objective 1. 1: Enhancing innovation and technology transfer in Danube region

Project budget: 2.351.006,74 EUR

Interreg funding: 1.880.805,39 EUR

Project duration: January 2024 – June 2026

Project partners: 13 Project Partners + 10 Associate Partners, from 13 Danube countries

Lead partner: Pomurje Technology Park

About the project:

CI-HUB aims to improve the innovation potential of less innovative regions and largely non-urban industrial regions in transition with low innovation performance and weak innovation infrastructure. The project aims to support the circular transition in two of the most challenging circular supply chains – the plastic and metal processing sector and the construction sector. This kind of acceleration program does not yet exist in the EU and will be the first focused program at the transnational level.

CI-Hub main results will be:

  • Solutions – user acceptance model, community e-platform, training academy – taken up or up-scaled by organisations.
  • Organisations with increased institutional capacity due to their participation in cooperation activities across the borders.
  • Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations.

You can read more about the project on the official project website.